What Are We Planning?

First, we would like to see as many people as possible on our Discord, so come and join us. Don't hesitate to introduce yourselves, chat with others, bring new ideas, ask questions - that's why we exist 😼

Main tangible things we plan for 2024 are in-person meetups in Prague and some live on-line talks about cybersecurity topics - all with the aim to establish our base tooling, contacts, communication and presentation channels and other things needed for basic functioning of our NGO. With these foundations, we will be able to reliably continue and expand some more in 2025 to reveal and support more activities and events.

In addition to basic networking, we have a lot of plans that will take some time because we want to do them well, regularly, and complement other groups and activities that already exist. This includes things like lectures at suitable conferences, live online talks, consultations/mentoring, and a few small specialties. Everything, of course, to be in line with our vision.

And since we're all obligated by our jobs and this is our purely personal activity, we'll only do what we have enough volunteers for – we wouldn’t like to burn out. Many people in cybersecurity burn out over time, and we wish to function as a safety net without burning ourselves out.

Other languages of this page: Čeština